In what may be considered a very bold move, Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata has revealed during PAX West that the game will go roughly ten years during the story. All of which will be seen through the main characters eyes.
“In the opening sequence, you see Regis and Noctis talking to one another and Regis tells him to stand tall,” Tabata told IGN. “His appearance later on in the game communicates that he has [taken] that to heart and lived with those final words.”
“The whole change in Noctis’ appearance from when the game starts compared to when years have passed [is so] that people would feel the passing of time, and that they were actual living, breathing characters rather than just symbolic characters,” he said.
He went on to note that the look of Noctis later in the game was imperative not just for story, but to show that Final Fantasy XV is different from other games in the genre:
“It’s not typical to see a lot of Japanese RPGs with a mid-aged man as the main character,” he continued. “A lot of people who like Japanese RPGs would be surprised by the fact that they’ll see this character age in the way that he does, so it took a lot of courage for us as developers to do that. But we felt that it was important in communicating [the party’s] development and wanting to express it in a way that we only can with the current generation of consoles.”
Final Fantasy XV arrives November 29th.
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