Square confirmed today that three separate games bearing the Final Fantasy brand would be playable during E3 2016. One of them, naturally, is Final Fantasy XV. We should be getting a much bigger look at what awaits us in September, and the details will be passed down to you when that happens.
The second game is one that’s already out — Final Fantasy XIV, Square’s latest MMO. The E3 demo will consist of all its most recent updates. Square didn’t say if the demo would be using updates that hadn’t come to the game yet…but if not, what would be the point? We’ll find out.
The third demo will be for Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and the reason you’ve never heard that name before is because this is a lowly phone game. It’s actually based on Brave Frontier, a popular mobile game with JRPG elements…only this time, Final Fantasy characters are involved.
Square also has other plans for E3 that don’t involve the FF initials, including something about Tomb Raider they’re keeping mum about (though it could very well be the PS4 version, or one additional DLC pack for Rise).
The post There’ll Be Three Playable Final Fantasies On The E3 Floor appeared first on StayTooned.