The Mana series is referred to as Seiken Densetsu in Japan. Seiken Densetsu 2 was retitled Secret of Mana when it came out for the SNES in 1993. It still remains one of the Super’s best games. And Seiken Densetsu 1 was also one of its system’s best games….when it came out on the Game Boy. Yes, the Mana series started there, where it was renamed “Final Fantasy Adventure” in the States for brand recognition purposes. (In Europe it was renamed “Mystic Quest,” no relation to the dumbed-down FF game from around the same time period.)
Final Fantasy Adventure remains one of my favorite games of all time, and it needs a rerelease badly. The game was already remade once, on the Game Boy Advance in 2003 as the retitled Sword of Mana. Given the storyline (which did involve a sword), the retitle made sense to match the series it started. Sword of Mana, however, took a lot of liberties with the original game and was different in many ways. This new remake, announced for PS Vita, skews very close to the original. You can see in the trailer below that many scenes are recreated shot for shot, in polygonal splendor. The Megapede boss is even still made up of balls, even though current graphical capabilities make such a body unnecessary.
I’m the kind of person who would buy a Vita just for this, but hopefully it won’t come to that and they’ll port the game to 3DS. Right now there are no announced plans for Seiken to show up on any other platforms. In fact there’s yet to be a confirmation on a Western release at all. In Japan, the game is penciled in for a 2016 release.
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