Competitive video game tournaments (commonly referred to as eSports) have blown up in popularity over the last few years. Tens of thousands of tournaments for games like DOTA 2, LoL and others have taken place just in 2015, amounting to more than 100 million players and almost 150 million viewers watching the events on TV and online.
Newbies might feel overwhelmed. Getting involved in eSports is a different process than organizing a regular sport…for one thing, when you go out to play football, usually all your friends are awake at the same time. A new service called Battlefy is attempting to bring order to the chaos and distill all eSports data into easily searchable, user-friendly material.
Here’s how it works: Battlefy combs through thousands of tournaments all over the world and selects appropriate ones for the user based on their experience level, the time they’re available to play, and any other factors they consider important; it’s the long-overdue search engine for eSports. The organization was co-founded by Jason Xu, a former eSports tournament organizer and competitive Starcraft player, in 2012, and was tested in beta form in 2014.
Battlefy can be used to find a tournament or to start one, and it can be used for over 42,000 games, but it’s most useful for anything co-op or team-based such as MMOs or mutiplayer FPSes, which make up the majority of eSports tournaments. According to the organization, “bridging this gap for players and organizers could grow the number of amateur tournaments exponentially, and ultimately impact which eSports titles and teams ascend to the professional level.”
if you’re considering dipping your toes into the waters of eSports, Battlefy might be a good way to get yourself going. Check out the Battlefy website and the video below for a CGI-filled dramatization of how it works.
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The post Battlefy Unifies The eSports Movement appeared first on StayTooned.