Finished FFXV and now in the epilogue Chapter 15… what should I do now after completing the game?
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An armistice is declared between the warring nations of Lucis and Niflheim, ending the conflict that has raged over possession of the world’s last remaining crystal. A peace treaty is finally drawn up, and as part of the agreements, Prince Noctis of Lucis and Lady Lunafreya of the imperial province of Tenebrae are to be wed. Before the treaty is to be signed, Noctis—accompanied by his friends Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto—sets out for Accordo’s capital city of Altissia, where the wedding is to take place. Shortly after their departure, it is revealed that the peace treaty was a ruse for Niflheim to invade Lucis. During the attack, the capital city of Insomnia is destroyed, the Lucian crystal is stolen, and King Regis, Noctis and Lunafreya are reported dead. Now on the run from Niflheim, Noctis and his friends journey to retrieve their kingdom’s crystal and defeat Niflheim’s forces.
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