The Almighty Tallest at Nickelodeon UK have assigned Invader Zim to conquer the retail and online resources of Forbidden Planet by way of merchandise bearing his glorious visage!!!
Decorated with both Zim and his loyal if hopeless assistant GIR, the line up includes t-shirts, travel pass holders, coasters and mugs with a £2.99-17.99 price range.
The new line of merchandise follows success the two companies have had with a similar line of products based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Forbidden Planet Licensing and Special Projects Manager Omar Khan comments “I’m hugely excited that Invader Zim will find a new home at Forbidden Planet later this year. Our direct-to-retail line features exclusive clothing and everyday accessories for the hard-core Zim fan – from t-shirts to travel pass holders. Previously, we’ve had lots of interest with our ongoing line of retro Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles products, especially our Christmas jumper. Along with other fantastic Nickelodeon Retro properties, we can’t wait for Zim and friends to conquer our stores!”
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