One of the things that made Mass Effect so memorable was all the unique races that filled up the universe. Asari, Krogans, Turians, Salarians, Geth, and more made the universe a much more vibrant place. With Mass Effect Andromeda, which will be set far away from the original trilogies setting, one had to wonder how many of the original races would be in the title. Gameinformer got that information, and it’s apparently not all at first.
“We’ve designed the IP in such a way that they can all show up,” says creative director Mac Walters of Bioware, “For hopefully obvious reasons, they’re not all going to show up in the first game.”
So fans of certain races shouldn’t be disheartened at the lack of their favorite beings in Andromeda should they not appear. On the other side, Andromeda will no doubt introduce no races for fans to become fond of.
Mass Effect Andromeda releases in 2017.