Netflix and DreamWorks Animation Television have released a new clip from the second season of All Hail King Julien, set to return to Netflix on Friday, October 16, 2015. The new season promises more misadventures with the regal lemur and his sidekicks Maurice and Mort.
On Friday, October 16th, DreamWorks’ Emmy Award® winning series, All Hail King Julien returns to Netflix with a brand-new season! Featuring sixteen new episodes, audiences will enjoy even more misadventures with Julien, Maurice and Mort, along with fan-favorite Henry Winkler as Uncle King Julien and special guest stars David Koechner, Diedrich Bader and Lance Henriksen.
With fantastic new musical numbers, the latest diaper fashions, a dash of bromance, and even more outrageous laughs, everybody’s favorite royal lemur is ready to take take his kingdom on the craziest adventures the jungles of Madagascar have ever seen!
You’ll be on the edge of your seat when King Julien is diagnosed with Mad Horse Disease and Uncle King Julien tries to reclaim the throne. Will he survive? Will he hold onto his crown? There’s only one way to find out – watch the hilarious new Season 2, only on Netflix!
The post CLIP: “All Hail King Julien”‘s Return to Netflix on October 16, 2015 appeared first on Toon Zone News.
The post CLIP: “All Hail King Julien”‘s Return to Netflix on October 16, 2015 appeared first on StayTooned.