One of the backbones of the Civilization series is the tech tree. With each passing turn you’re gaining steps to unlock more and more technology and advancements to your empire. Each advancement brings new abilities and potential. But, the tech tree was always rigid. And advanced at the same rate, regardless of nation or where your empire was built. In Civilization VI, that’s going to change.
“In previous Civs research was up on the side, and it didn’t matter what was going on in the game world. You could kind of move through that tech tree however you felt like in a very independent manner. It was a very passive activity; you could click on the technology you wanted to work toward, and it might be two or three layers deep in that tree, so you wouldn’t have to make another decision for 25 or 30 turns. We wanted to break people out of that,” says Lead Designer Ed Beach told IGN.
Firaxis also revealed a new version of the tech tree called Active Research. Which will allow gamers the ability to advance certain technologies based on what you’re doing each turn, as well as what your world is in regards to your empire. For example, if you’re a seafaring nation next to the water, and you build up lots of navy ships, your nautical advancements will rise faster than in previous games. Likewise, if you are wanting more masonry advancements, but don’t have a lot of resources, you’ll have to adapt in order to get what you desire. Then military advancements will occur by facing barbarians and other units.
“You can research it ahead of time and figure out what your path is, or some people just like to not worry too much about the boosts, but they notice they get nicely rewarded.”
Civilization VI arrives October 21st.
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