In the weeks leading up to the release of the Walking Dead Season Six finale, Andrew Lincoln and other cast members made remarks to the press that the upcoming episode was so brutal that it “made them ill.” Everyone thought “wow, Negan kills a big one!” Then it turned out Negan’s act was seen from a POV shot and the “champ” who took it remains unknown. This ending became public knowledge about a week before it aired, and I then assumed Lincoln was sick because Maggie’s zombie baby burst from her like a Xenomorph.
It turned out that nothing really happened in the episode that was any more gruesome than in your average Walking Dead. So what was the cast talking about?
Danai Gurira shed some light onto it, speaking in a video from the Wall Street Journal:
It was intense. It was a 2-day shoot, it was freezing cold. We were on our knees in the gravel. It was hard. Like it was really hard. For us, we had gone through the process of overcoming so many folks. You know from the cannibals who were trying to eat us to the Governor. We had developed an ability to work it through and we hit a dead end…It was horrifying because you know something imminent is about to happen and you’re completely out of control, and for these characters like Rick and Michonne, to not be in control is just, it’s the most painful thing.
There you have it. They were sick because of the working conditions. Maybe they could have been a bit clearer when they were providing those sound bites, but I have a feeling those were meant to be a bit misleading….
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