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New Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Videos Highlight Twists To Gameplay


Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst is now two months away. Though Faith will for the most part control the same way she did in the original, developer DICE has come up with some new moves to enhance the gameplay. The most enticing of these new moves is the concept of Focus and Flow:

Build up and maintain Focus by maintaining movement and action. When Faith has Focus enemies can’t hit her, but losing Focus makes enemy attacks a greater threat to your health level. Once Faith focuses completely, she enters into Flow, a state of awareness that allows you to attack in new and more powerful ways.

See Focus and Flow in action in EA’s new Combat video.

A second video, Movement, highlights some new methods Faith has to keep her momentum steady and get to the state of Flow. A new Shift move grants her a short burst of acceleration in any direction, and Quickturn allows for near-instant 90 or 180-degree turns without stopping or slowing.

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst will be released for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC on May 24.

The post New Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Videos Highlight Twists To Gameplay appeared first on ToonZone News.

The post New Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Videos Highlight Twists To Gameplay appeared first on StayTooned.

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