DreamWorks Animation SKG and 20th Century Fox have released the first trailer for Trolls, their upcoming animated feature based on the famous toyline, set for release on November 6, 2016. The movie stars Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake as Poppy and Branch, the odd-couple Trolls who will almost certainly be romantically entangled by the end of the movie.
The official fact sheet follows:
Release: November 4, 2016
Director: Mike Mitchell (Shrek Forever After)
Co-director: Walt Dohrn (Shrek Forever After)
Producer: Gina Shay (Shrek Forever After)
DreamWorks Animation’s TROLLS is an irreverent comedy extravaganza with incredible music! From the genius creators of SHREK, TROLLS stars Anna Kendrick as Poppy, the optimistic leader of the Trolls, and her polar opposite, Branch, played by Justin Timberlake. Together, this unlikely pair of Trolls must embark on an adventure that takes them far beyond the only world they’ve ever known.
TROLLS Official Channels
SITE: www.dreamworks.com/trolls/
FACEBOOK: facebook.com/dreamworkstrolls
TWITTER: twitter.com/trolls
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/trolls
PINTEREST: pinterest.com/dwanimation/
HASHTAG: #DreamWorksTrolls
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The post ToonZone News 2016-01-28 17:00:54 appeared first on StayTooned.