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Just Cause 3 Presents: 13 People Blasting Away


The number of videos depicting Just Cause 3 shenanigans grows by the thousands every day; this is one of the more amusing ones. It doesn’t take much to think up the idea of attaching boosters to a random NPC and shooting them off into the atmosphere, but it’s all in the execution.

Watch as Rico suspends a Medician man in midair with four tethers, throws three booster rockets at his crotch and then sets him flying. Then he stares into the sky and with perfect timing, plays the deadpan sound bite “I prob’ly should stop do-eeng that.” He doesn’t. And most of these people NEVER notice what’s going on until it’s much too late.

And he doesn’t stop with people either. After he’s fired 13 of them into space, he tries a cow, a boat and a porta-potty as well.

Check out the video for yourself, created by YouTube user Corps Peau Rate.

The post Just Cause 3 Presents: 13 People Blasting Away appeared first on GTA Central.

The post Just Cause 3 Presents: 13 People Blasting Away appeared first on StayTooned.

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